Upper Intermediate / Advanced

General English Tests

Upper Intermediate Proficiency Tests






Advanced Proficiency Tests



Advanced Plus


Scores given, but answers not given




KSU Track 109 (Classroom 1167) Exam Preparation, Practice and Tests

2017 Mid-term

General Practice Exercises / Tests



  1. Do all LMS excercises (not just the graded ones): units 1-3 R+W and L+S  https://lms.ksu.edu.sa
  2. Learn all of the requied vocabulary  (see exam spec)
  3. Do the KSU reading practices / tests
  4. Do the vocabulary and other test below.
  5. Review your text books.


Medical Terminology Tests

Test 1 Choose the best answer

  1. My brother is studying  _________ .

a. medicine    b. medical    c. medicinal    d. medication

2. The ointment is _________. It contains steroids.

a. medial    b. mediated   c. medic    d. medicated

3. The patient has a heart ________ . The sound indicates there is some problem with it.

a. bypass   b. murmur   c. condition   d. cardiopathy

4. The veins in question are anterior to the heart.

Anterior means a. behind   b. above  c. in front of  d. below

5. A person that shows no symptoms of a disease but harbors the infectious agent of that disease and is capable of transmitting it to others is called – /a / an_________ .

a. patient   b. asymptomatic   c. carrier   d. infection.

6. The patient has gangrene (localized death and decomposition of body tissue, resulting from obstructed circulation or bacterial infection), the limb must be __________ . In this case there is no other viable option.

a. dressed   b. analysed   c. dissected   d. amputated

7. Skin texture (wet/moist skin vs. dry, flushed skin) can be a signal as to what type of toxic substance has been  __________________   .

a. prescribed   b. described   c. digested   d. ingested

8. Patients in this maternity hospital are treated by skilled  __________ .

a. administrators   b. medical students   c. practitioners    d. cardiologists

9. Skin issue samples have been sent to the _____________ . However,  the cause of  disease has not yet been found.

a. computer lab   b. pathology  lab  c.  phlebotomy lab  d. operating theater

10. If the coronary disease is stable, the pain ___________ are usually short-lived.

a. episodes   b. epidemic   c. regulation   d. lucidity


1 a. medicine   2  d. medicated  3   b. murmur  4. c. in front of   5.  c. carrier

6. d. amputated  7.  d. ingested   8. c. practitioners  9.  b. pathology  lab

10. a. episodes


Test 2 Choose the best answer

  1. Cardiopathy means  a. heart disease b. heart transplant  c. disease d. a doctor who studies the cause and development of disease
  2. Outpatient means  a.  a patient who is ready to be discharged from hospital  b. a patient who is outside the hospital  c.  a patient who is unconscious   d. a patient who attends a hospital for treatment without staying there overnight
  3. Palpitation means a. able to be touched or felt b. a noticeably rapid, strong, or irregular heartbeat due to agitation, exertion, or illness c. a secondary channel, tube, or connection to allow a flow when the main one is closed or blocked, especially in the heart. d. a sudden occurrence of coronary thrombosis, typically resulting in the death of part of a heart muscle
  4. A vaccine is a. a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular disease b. a treatment producing immunity against Variolae vaccinae (smallpox of the cow). c. a treatment to produce immunity against a disease. d. a biological preparation that prevents the growth of disease-causing microorganisms.
  5. The major protein (comprising over half of that in mammals) of the white fibers of connective tissue, cartilage and bone is known as a. collagen b. inorganic minerals c. calcium d. keratin. 
  6. Telesurgery allows surgeons to a. watch themselves on Television while they operate b. operate on more than one patient at the same time c. operate from a remote location. d. operate via robotic arms.
  7. Vertebrae are: a. bones that have fused together the form the scull. b. a small colourless disc-shaped cell fragment without a nucleus, found in large numbers in blood and involved in clotting. c. each of the series of small bones forming the backbone d. animals that have a backbone
  8. These serve to distribute oxygenated blood from arteries to the tissues of the body and to feed deoxygenated blood from the tissues back into the veins.  a. blood vessels b. lungs c. capillaries  d. heart atria
  9. A patient comes to you with inflammation of the stomach and intestines, it is the result of bacterial toxins and it is causing vomiting and diarrhea. What is your diagnosis (all other possible diagnoses have been considered and ruled out). a. vomiting and diarrhoea b. infection c. virus  d. gastroenteritis
  10. A patient has a systemic condition of high blood pressure. He is presenting with abnormally high blood pressure, especially arterial blood pressure.  The patient can be said to have  a. hypo-tension  b. hypertension  c. hyperventilation  d. tension disorder.
    10. b   9. d   8. c   7. c   6. c  5. a  4. c  3. b  2. d  1. a

General Vocabulary Test

Set 1 Choose the closest synonym /definition
ancient        =       new       old        quite old       very old

association      =      colleague        group         FIFA       society

considerate     =       thoughtful      think       large amount       money or payment

distracted     =       not attracted        repelled       unattractive      unable to concentrate

emigrate      =

  1. leave one’s own city in order to settle permanently in another
  2. leave one’s own country in order to settle permanently in another
  3. come to live permanently in a foreign country
  4. come to live permanently in a foreign city

offended     =

  1.  caused to feel upset, annoyed, or resentful
  2. relating to the sense of smell
  3.  protected oneself
  4.  broke the law again

hilarious     =    very hilly       very  happy      very funny      very nice

immigrate     =

  1. leave one’s own country in order to settle permanently in another
  2. leave one’s own city in order to settle permanently in another
  3. come to live permanently in a foreign country
  4. come to live permanently in a foreign city

vacation policy     =

  1. when an organization announces vacations
  2. rules proposed by an organization
  3. a schedule published by an organization regarding vacations
  4. a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organization regarding vacations


ancient        =       very old

association      =       group

considerate     =     thoughtful

distracted     =      unable to concentrate

emigrate      =   leave one’s own country in order to settle permanently in another

offended     =   caused to feel upset, annoyed, or resentful

hilarious     =    very hilly       very  happy      very funny      very nice

immigrate     =   come to live permanently in a foreign country

vacation policy     = a  course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organization regarding vacations


Grammar Test

C2 Grammar Proficiency



Reading Practice / Tests

KSU ELSD exam practicehttps://epy.ksu.edu.sa/ELSDOnline/?page_id=3145

Note you will be asked for your name, but any response is OK.

These are the most important readings:

  • Babies around the World/The Power of Urban Nature
  • Tracking Down the Kapunji Monkey
  • It’s time to take action!/The Traits of True Artists
  • Learning to Live Outdoors

  • Share the Road/How to Eat

  • Is It Work or a Hobby?/Photo Realism?

Prefixes, roots and suffixes

Memorise these and get a study buddy to test you.




Guessing new vocabulary from context

Use these context clues: 1. framework+general knowledge+logic 2. definition/synonym 3. examples 4. comparison 5.contrast 6. cause and effect 7.punctuation

Use these word clues: part of speech, prefix, root, suffix

Ex 1 http://www.grammarbank.com/context-clues-worksheet.html

Ex 2 https://www.thoughtco.com/quizdefining-words-in-context-1688953


Main Idea of Paragraph Tests

Choose the best heading




General Proficieny Tests (optional).

If you you want more general practice, do some of the proficiency tests shown at the top of this page. Do them with a study buddy.