Upper Intermediate

Diagnostic Tests, Tutorials and Quizzes

Grammar Diagnostic Test

You can check your grammar skill. Do you need some online tuition (watch videos/ read explanations)? Do you need to do the online quizzes? The diagnostic test will help you identify your grammar strengths and weaknesses.  Give yourself enough time as there are up to 100 questions.




KSU provide grammar tutorials. Some of the videos are interactive, this means you will be asked questions at different points in the video to check your understanding:



KSU host some very useful grammar animation videos


More tutorials are given below.


Grammar Quizzes

The quizzes provide you with practice.

You can also use the quizzes to check your skill  in a particular grammar point or area.

They can help you develop your understanding and skill in a particular grammar point or area. KSU provide area/point-specific grammar quizzes via ELSD Online https://epy.ksu.edu.sa/ELSDOnline/?page_id=4049:


Grammar Practice (Quizzes and Tutorials)

Oxford Quizzes

Grammar area specific:



If  (Second and Third Conditional)

Second conditional – unreal situation in the present or future

It describes an imaginary, impossible or unlikely a situation in the present or future.

Example: My exams are coming up soon and have to study hard to get a good grade. If I had more time I would go to Dubai and relax for a week.


Third conditional- unreal situation in the past

It describes something that did not happen. We are imagining a different past

Example: If I had given the money I was promised by my father.  I would have bought a house.





