Pre-intermediate Quizzes


Some of the answers to the comprehension questions are not given directly in the text wording. Also many of the questions ask about the meaning of certain words. These words need to be guessed from the context.

Know how to answer the questions. First look at the title. Next read the question. Try to guess the answer before you read. Read the passages, then answer the questions. Choose the best answer. Translate or use an English dictionary to find the meaning of new vocabulary you don’t know. Do not translate or use a dictionary if the question asks the meaning of a word. Get the meaning from the passage.

You will need theses skills for the KSU CBT exam:

  • choosing a heading (by finding the main idea).
  • answering general comprehension questions
  • finding the meaning of new words from context

Catching a Cold


The Carpet Fitter


The Hitch-hiker


A Good Collection of Reading Practices


Reading Exercises from the Britsih Council

Do the pre-intermediate and the intermediate readings

More Practice Readings


Marcia and her Cellphone

Adapted from

New Vocabulary (Find the meaning from a dictionary before you read).



control uncontrolled self-control

ban =stop

disagree agree

disadvantage / advantage





whom = who

Marcia says that all of her friends have a cell phone, but Marcia’s mom doesn’t want to buy her one. Marcia’s mom doesn’t want Marcia to play video games either. What is more, the Internet scares her. Marcia’s mom says, “If Marcia has a cell phone, how do we know whom she is talking to? Video games are bad for you. The Internet is dangerous and uncontrolled. It’s like having a gun in the house. We should just ban her from using the computer, and I will buy her a cell phone when she is eighteen. This is the only way we can be sure that Marcia is safe.”

Marcia’s dad disagrees with Marcia’s mom. He agrees that there are some dangers to it, but he likes the Internet, and thinks it is very useful. “The problem is,” he says, “We just can’t stop Marcia from using the Internet, because this will put her at a disadvantage. What is more, I like video games. I think that, when played in moderation, they are fun. It is not good to play them without restraint or self-control. Finally, I think Marcia needs a cell phone. We can’t take these things away.”


1) Which of the following is true?

A. Mom wants to stop Marcia from using technology because technology is expensive.

B. Mom thinks technology is dangerous, but dad thinks it can be useful.

C. Mom cares only a little about Marcia’s future.

D. Dad does not like to play video games.

2) Which of the following is true?

A. Mom and dad both think technology is always safe.

B. Mom and dad both think video games are bad.

C. Mom and dad both think the internet is too dangerous for Marcia to have a cellphone.

D. Mom and dad both want Marcia to help keep away from danger.

3) In paragraph 1, Marcia’s mom says, “It’s like having a gun in the house.” She says this because

A. She wants Marcia to understand that the Internet is dangerous.

B. She wants Marcia to understand that guns can be safe.

C. She wants Marcia’s dad to buy a gun.

D. She wants to say why the Internet is uncontrolled.

4) In paragraph 2, Marcia’s dad says, “We just can’t stop Marcia from using the Internet, because this will put her at a disadvantage.” What does Marcia’s dad mean by this?

A. Marcia needs to learn how to use the internet if she wants to have friends in the future.

B. If Marcia stops using the internet, it will slow her learning very much.

C. If Marcia stops using the internet, it will speed up her learning very much.

D. Marcia must learn to use the internet by herself, so she can  learn its dangers.

5) In paragraph 2, Marcia’s dad says, “Finally, I think Marcia needs a cell phone.” How can Marcia’s dad best show Marcia’s mom that Marcia needs a cell phone? He can say to Marcia’s mom…

A. Marcia can use her cell phone to talk to her friends, so she will not need to use our cell phones.

B. Having a cell phone will teach Marcia how to use new technology.

C. All of her friends have one, so we must let Marcia have a cell phone.

D. If Marcia’s is in danger or has a problem she can use her cell phone to call for help.

6) Marcia’s mom can best be described as

A. stupid

B. careful

C. dangerous

D. not interested in technology

7) Marcia’s dad can best be described as

A. dangerous

B. not caring about Marcia

C. knowing a lot about technology

D. reasonable

8) Which of the following would be the best way for Marcia to change how her mom thinks about technology?

A. Read her a newspaper article that talks about the importance of technology.

B. Give her an cell phone instruction booklet so her mom can learn about the new cell phone apps.

C. Show her favorite five internet websites.

D. Spend the weekend playing video games with her.


8. A  7.D. 6. B  5. B   4. B.  3. A.  2. D  1. B