Exam Topics


Getting ready for your writing exam

  1. Know how to write a good sentence and a good paragraph:  https://wordpress.com/stats/insights/helpyourselfenglish.wordpress.com
  2. Read and understand all the topics, prompts models and sample scripts  at your level to help you understand your writing exam question and help you write a good script.
  3. You should learn the spellings of all the most common wordshttp://www.world-english.org/english500.htm
  4. Write about at least 2 different topics to gain practice.
  5. Review your coursebook (student book) because the topic you will write about will be one from your coursebook. Note down any useful vocabulary.  Group the words by topic. Pay special attention to word that go together (groups of words) like: go shopping, tall building,  fast food, improve your language skills  https://helpyourselfenglish.wordpress.com/collocations/


How is the exam script marked?

This is roughly how your writing will be assessed:

Item:                                                                                                       Marks

  • Answer all 3 prompts                                                                         3


  • Not too many grammar errors                                                     2
    • Correct use of : e.g. subject verb agreement, tense, possessive “s”, articles


  • Adequate spelling                                                                             1
    • Most words spelled correctly, especially common words


  • Adequate punctuation                                                                    1
    • Capital letters, commas, full stops and question marks mostly correct


  • Adequate vocabulary usage                                                            1
    • Vocabulary must be appropriate to the topic.
    • Use adjectives e.g. good, nice, big, small, fascinating  (use at least two adjectives)
    • Use a good range of different words. Use synonyms as necessary.


  • Adequate cohesion and coherence                                                         1


    • correct use of conjunctions: and, but, so, because  (any 2 is OK)
    • correct use of demonstratives (if needed) e.g this, that, those, these
    • correct use of pronouns e.g. he, him, my, his, them, it, my, his
    • use of transitionals: first(ly), secondly, thirdly, next, then, finally or use transitional sentences.


  • Suitable supporting points, examples, necessary details and explanations given.


  • Adequate organisation                                                                       1
    • Title
    • Introduction and conclusion
    • Topic sentences followed by supporting sentences


How to lose marks

  • Illegible writing
  • Off-topic or irrelevant content (not answering the prompts)
  • Insufficient word-count
  • Not checking content after you have finished (e.g prompts are answered, topic sentences are uses and you have said what you meant to say.)
  • Not checking form after you have checked you content (e.g grammar,punctuation, spelling etc.)


In the exam

Read the questions and prompts carefully

It is very important to know exactly what to do.

Underline the key words. Also look for verbs and time words and phrases within the prompts to help you identify whether the topic is present, past or future (or a mixture).

Be careful

  • You must write enough words. If you need more words you can add and, but, so, because and add more examples.
  • You must write on the given topic. Only words on the given topic will be counted.
  • You must answer all the prompts. You will lose marks if you don’t.

Check your writing

Check your script several times. Don’t sit doing nothing. Check:

  • all the prompts are answered
  • you have said what you wanted to say
  • there are enough words and they are all on  topic
  • grammar and punctuation
  • spelling and vocabulary


  • In the exam you will not be given useful words or examples.


Mock Exam and sample Exam topics (

with prompts)

25 Medical Track Topics

Topic: Vitamins
You MUST write about:
 what types of food are high in vitamins;
 what types of food are low in vitamins;
 why vitamins are important


Topic: Staying healthy

Write at least one hundred and twenty (120) words on the following topic:
How you can stay healthy
You MUST write about:
 what you do to stay healthy;
 what type of food you should eat;
 how often you should exercise.

Topic: careers in medicine:

Write at least one hundred and twenty (120) words on the following topic:
The importance of the doctor
You MUST write about:
 what a doctor does ;
 why the doctor’s job is important;
 What job you want in the medical field. Say why.




Topic: Mapping the human genome (Teacher R.M.Butler)

(by Teacher R.M.Butler)

What are the implications of mapping the human genome?

You MUST write about:

 what the human genome is;
 what the benefits of mapping the human genome are;
 what some societal issues are.


Topic: The future of medicine

(by Teacher R.M.Butler)

How will advances in technology impact medicine?

You MUST write about:

 what the technology/ies are;
 what the benefits of the technology/ies are;
 what some issues or obstacles are?

Topic: Medical ethics

(by Teacher R.M.Butler)

When treating a patient, what are some ethical considerations?

You MUST write about:

 what some ethical principles are;
 what some corresponding guidelines are;
 an example of an ethical conflict.


More medical topics

20 more topics here Medical students – practice writing exam Qs


Humanities Track

A Famous Place/Building in Riyadh. (Do not write about KSU)

Write at east 5o words about a famous place or building in Riyadh.You should discuss/describe:

  • the name of the place or building and where it is
  • what kind of place it is
  • describe the place or building and say what you like about it


Find the mistakes

  1. find the mistakes
  2. score the script out of 10

There are two mistakes in every sentence.


Kingdom Towr is one of tallest buildings in Riyadh. the desine is good. There on King Fahad Road. It have many floors, many offices. There is a big shoping mall at the bottom There a restarant at the top. Many people go there because there is good look up there. So this my paragrafh.

58 words

Script 2 coming


More Sample Paragraphs


These are not model answers. They may contain errors or omissions.

Semester 1 Level A write 50 words, Level B  Humanities write 80 words


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These are not model answers. They may contain errors or omissions.


Possible Exam Topics.

Your exam topic may be different from those listed below.

Elementary Level Topics  – Semester 1

  1. My Best Friend

Write about your best friend.

Useful words: helpful, smart, funny, park, coffee shop, farm, camping, restaurant

You must write about the following.

  • who he is
  • where you go and what you do together
  • why you like him


2. My Daily Routine

Write about your daily routine.

Useful words: wake up, have breakfast, go to KSU, watch TV, do my homework,  go to bed

You must write about:

  • what you do.
  • where you go
  • do you like your routine? Say why / why not


3. The Best Day of the Week

Write about the best day of the week.

Useful words:

You should discuss:

  • which day it is
  • what you do and where you go
  • why you like this day best


4. My Happy Experience

Write about happy a experience you had.

Here are some ideas: new car / our new house / the football match / new baby brother (sister) /getting your exam results

You should discuss:

  • what it was
  • when and where it happened
  • say how you felt and say why


5. My Weekends

Write about your your weekends.

Useful words:

You should discuss:

  • what you do on Friday and Saturday
  • where you go Friday and Saturday
  • do you like your weekends? Say why / why not


6. My Shopping Experience

Write about a shopping experience.

Here are some ideas: smartphone, computer, camera, trainers, clothes (thobe, jeans, shirt)

You should discuss:

  • where and when this shopping experience was
  • what you saw and what you bought
  • how you felt about your shopping experience


7. My University

Write about your university.

Useful words:

You should discuss:

  • the name of the University and where it is
  • what subjects you like. Say why
  • what you like and dislike about your university. Say why / why not


8. A Saudi Arabian City / My City

Write about any Saudi Arabian city or the city you live in.

Useful words:

You should discuss:

  • which city it is and where it is
  • what there is to see and do
  • what you like and dislike about the city. Say why


9. Saudi Culture

Write about Saudi Culture.

Useful words:

You should describe/discuss:

  • examples of traditional Saudi food and clothing
  • what Saudi families do together
  • what you like best about Saudi culture. Say why


10. My Favourite Hobby/Sport/Activity

Write about your favourite hobby, sport or activity (choose 0ne).

Useful words:

You must write about the following

  • what your hobby/sport/activity is and where you do it
  • how often you do it and who you do it with
  • how much it costs


11. My Holiday

Write about a holiday you had in your country or abroad

Useful words:

You should discuss:

  • where and when this holiday was, and where you stayed
  • what you saw and what you did
  • how you felt about your holiday


12. My Neighbourhood

Write about the  neighbourhood you live in.

Useful words: streets, buildings, shops, clean, wide, traffic, people, parks, gym

You should describe/discuss:

  • where it is
  • what you like to do in your area
  • what you like or dislike about living there


13. My First Week at KSU

Write about your first week at KSU.

Useful words:

You should discuss:

  • what you saw, what you did and who you met
  • what you liked or didn’t like
  • how you felt about your first week at KSU


14. A Great Weekend

Write about a great weekend you had.

Useful words:

You should discuss:

  • when this weekend was.
  • what you saw, what you did and who you spend time with
  • how you felt about your weekend


15. A Famous Place/Building in Riyadh. (Do not write about KSU)

Write about a famous place or building in Riyadh.

Here are some ideas: tower, shop, park, hospital, shopping mall, wadi, camp.

You should discuss/describe:

  • the name of the place or building and where it is
  • what kind of place it is
  • describe the place or building and say what you like about it


16. A Country / City I Would Like to Visit.

Write about a country or city you would like to visit.

Useful words:

You should discuss/describe:

  • the name of the country or city and where it is
  • describe the country or city
  • what you would like to do and see there


17. My Favorite Restaurant

Write about your favorite restaurant

Useful words:

You should discuss/describe:

  • the name of the restaurant,  where it is and how often you go
  • the kind of food and drink it serves
  • why it is your favorite restaurant


18. Reading

You should write about reading.

Useful words: newspapers, magazines  websites, novels, poems, smartphone messages

You should discuss:

  • Where you like to read
  • What you like to read. Why?
  • Do you like to read quickly or slowly? Why?


19. My Free Time

You should write about your free time.

Useful words:

You must write about the following

  • what you do
  • where you go
  • with whom (who) spend you time


20. A Family Member

Write about a family member.

Title: My Father / My Brother…

Examples: brother, father, uncle, grandfather, cousin.

You should describe/discuss:

  • who he is
  • where you go and what you do together
  • why you like him


21. The Perfect Job

Write about the perfect job.

Examples: policeman, army officer, teacher, businessman, teacher, scientist lawyer, astronaut, minister, doctor

You should describe/discuss:

  • what the perfect job is
  • what the person does
  • why it is the perfect job


22. Saudi Weather

Write about the Saudi weather.

Useful words: sunny, cloudy, hot, warm, cold, wind, windy, rainy, snow, snowy.

You should discuss:

  • the weather in your city
  • the weather in other parts of Saudi Arabia
  • what you do in summer and what you do in winter


23. My Favourite Subject at KSU.

Write about your favourite subject at KSU.

Useful words: English, maths, Arabic, computer skills, self-development, PT

You should discuss/describe:

  • which subject it is
  • the kind of things you study
  • why it is your favorite subject


24. My Favourite Season

Write about your favourite season.

Useful words: spring, summer,autumn, winter sunny, cloudy, hot, warm, cold, wind, windy, rainy, snow, snowy.

You must write about.

  • which season it is and why you like it
  • what kind of activities you do in this season
  • why you like to do activities in this season


25. My Favourite Food

Write about your favourite food.

Useful words: healthy food, vegetables, fruit,  fast food, Kabsah, burger, fish, chips, pizza, delicious, spicy, Italian, Indian. Chinese, fusion

You should discuss:

  • what your favorite food is
  • where you eat it and who you eat it with
  • why you like it


26. A famous person

Title: King Salman / Lional Messi / William Shakespeare….

Write about a famous person. Choose any famous person

Examples: a king, a leader, a general, an explorer, a sportsperson, a businessperson, a scientist, a traveler, a writer, a general

You should discuss/describe:

  • who he/ she is and where he/she is from
  • what the person did and how he/she became famous
  • what you think about this person



Science Semester 1

Pre-intermediate and intermediate

Your exam topic may be different from those listed below.

Semester 1 Level A write 80 words, Level B write 100 words

Semester 2 Level A write 100 words, Level B write 120 words


1.Getting Ready for Exams

Write about what you do to get ready for exams. You MUST write about:

Discuss/ describe

  • How you study (alone or with someone);
  • Where you usually study;
  • What you do to prepare for exams;


2.A Frightening Experience

You should write about a frightening experience you had in the past.

You should discuss/describe:

  • the time when something scary happened to you
  • why you think the experience was frightening for you
  • what lesson  you learned from the experience


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Semester 2 -write 120 words

Transportation in Riyadh

Write at least one hundred and twenty (120) words about transportation in Riyadh. You MUST write about:

  • how people used to move from one place to another in the past;
  • how the use of cars instead of public transportation affects your city;
  • what changes you think will happen in the future.
  • (

Country Life

More Coming



Notes for teacher.

  1. Tell Ss they will need to write a 50 – 150 word paragraph and they will only write one draft.
  2. Show Ss the topics.
  3. Ask if the have any questions.
  4. Elicit which questions are answered in the present simple and which are answered in the past simple.
  5. Ss need to know how to analyse prompts.
  6. Teach one or two ways  to improve sentences before each draft.