Celebrating Mental Health Awareness

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A celebration of mental health awareness in Riyadh

Picture taken by Roger Butler on 18th Oct 2019

The KSA Ministry of Health says:

“The World Mental Health Day is observed (followed) on 10 October every year, with the overall objective (aim) of raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and highlighting the dangers of stress and its relationship to other diseases and mobilizing (organizing) efforts in support of mental health. It was first celebrated in 1992 at the initiative (lead) of the World Federation for Mental Health.”

From https://www.moh.gov.sa/en/HealthAwareness/healthDay/2019/Pages/HealthDay-2019-10-10-002.aspx



Learn more about the drive for greater mental health awareness



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Mental health awareness

The following article is suitable for Level C (intermediate) medical track students. However, some words might need to looked-up in the dictionary.



Learn about stress

This article is suitable for Level B (pre-intermediate) and Level C medical track students. You may need to look up some words in the dictionary.


The following articles are suitable for Level C (intermediate) medical track students. However, you may need to look up some words in the dictionary.







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